This is definitely politically incorrect, but, for what it’s worth, Calvin writes in his commentary on 1 Timothy 2:12,

He [Paul] goes on to mention something closely connected wiht the office of teaching–nor to have authority over a man. The reason that women are prevented from teaching is that it is not compatible with their status, which is to be subject to men, whereas to teach implies superior authority and status. This argument may not seem to be very strong, since, it may be said, even prophets and teachers are subjdct to kings and other magistrates. My answer is that there is no absurdity in a man’s commanding and obeying at the same time in different relationships. But htis does not apply to women who by nature, (that is, by the ordinary law of God) are born to obey, for all wise men have always rejected γυναικοκρατίαν, the government of women, as an unnatural monstrosity. Thus for a woman to usurp the right to teach would be a sort of mingling of earth and heaven. Thus he bids them be silent and abide within the limits of their sex.