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Image representing Zotero as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

Andy Naselli has written a very helpful article for Reformation 21 on organizing one’s theological library in zotero, a program I have admittedly not used to the potential Andy shows it has. Here’s a video where he keenly demonstrates the (free) program’s usefulness.

For those of you who use librarything, thanks to a fellow named Kevin Godby, you can export your cataloged books to BibTex and then into zotero using this website. Once you’ve downloaded the file, simply go to zotero actions icon, select im

port, the file you just downloaded, and zotero will do the rest. You will have some clean-up and tagging to do, but it is quick and dirty way to get your books already cataloged on librarything into zotero.

By the way, here’s a link to my zotero profile page.